Plugin Developer Discussion

Discussion for FogBugz Plugin developers

A question about data integrity

I just had a user report a null pointer reference relating to my plugin (Clark Kent).

Now the way I build the report data is to fetch a list of Intervals that match a criteria then for each interval I go fetch the Project, the Bug, and the User using the key values from the Interval record.

Accordingly the only way I could get a null pointer reference is if either the Project, Bug, or User fetch ever retrieved a null value.

Now as far as I can tell this should never happen, I tried deleting projects and users (you can't you can only inactivate them) and the data always fetched correctly.

If any of those items ever returns as a null does the user have corrupted data?

Martin Zardecki Send private email
Monday, July 27, 2009
Projects and Users should never be deleted permanently, but Bugs can be if they are marked as SPAM.  It's also possible that the person went into their database and manually deleted a row.
David Fullerton Send private email
Monday, July 27, 2009
So then I guess they could have entered time against a bug then marked it as spam.

Goes to show that you should always test for nulls I guess.

Martin Zardecki Send private email
Monday, July 27, 2009

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