Plugin Developer Discussion

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Customizing Dispatcho in v7.0

We have been using FB for several years. Quite some time ago, we added some custom code to CDispatcho that forwards all incoming messages.

Whenever a new message arrives, after FB creates the case and assigns the case number, our customization will forward the exact message (in its entirety) with the new case number prepended to the existing subject line. The message is forwarded to an internal email alias for our tech support team.

I'm wondering how to do this in FB v7.0. I could use URL Triggers plugin to have the "EmailReceived" event, but that I could not pass the entire email message in its entirety. Perhaps I could just pass the case ID, then grab the email from the database ... but then I would have to reconstruct the email message (whereas using Dispatcho directly lets me use the already existing mail message object.

Is there an API for Dispatcho what would allow me to access the mail message object directly?

Or is it possible to use the same *.asp customization that we have working in FB v6.0 in FBv7.0?

Any other ideas?
Mathew Weaver Send private email
Friday, September 18, 2009
What you described sums it up pretty well.  There's no interface for getting the raw mail message, but you could get it mostly intact from the database (including all headers, etc).

You could also just port your changes from 6.0 to 7.0.  You can make changes in the source *.was files, and then run build.bat in the root FogBugz directory to compile and test.  The file you want I think is CDispatcho.was, and it should be pretty straightforward how to get the raw MailMessage object and forward it.
David Fullerton Send private email
Friday, September 25, 2009

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