Plugin Developer Discussion

Discussion for FogBugz Plugin developers

User subscription permission

Hello, we want to develop an internal plugin that allows a user to subscribe other users to a bug. It looks like the CPerson.Subscribe method would help us here:

But the remarks section notes: "Requires that the current user have write permissions on this object." Do normal users have write permissions on another user's CPerson object? Or can only admins subscribe someone else to a bug?

Darren Lafreniere Send private email
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hi Darren-

Normally, yes, you would need to be an admin. However, you can set CPerson.IgnorePermissions to True if you want your plugin to do it anyway.

The idea there is that the plugin runs as an administrator, but that functions 'fail shut'; that is, you have to specifically tell FogBugz that your plugin wants to allow a person to do something he would not normally be able to do.

Make sense?

Brett Kiefer Send private email
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Yep, excellent. Thanks Brett!
Darren Lafreniere Send private email
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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