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Last modified on 7/27/2024 (Today) 4:07 AM by FogBugz.


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  • This documentation applies to the Reviews API in Kiln 2.9 and higher. For Kiln ...
    Last edited by User on 11/3/2014 2:16 PM
    Git-only repo
  • Available in Kiln 3.0 and higher.   SSH Keys are used to authenticate against ...
    Last edited by User on 1/9/2014 7:45 PM
  • The Search Result Record This record contains the keys: resultChangeset: an ...
    Last edited by User on 5/20/2013 11:50 AM
  • Each repository record has an sStatus field that indicates where in the ...
    Last edited by User on 4/25/2013 3:06 PM
    hg backout
  • Working with Projects With API 1.0, you can create, read, update, and delete ...
    Last edited by User on 4/15/2013 2:15 PM
    [case 2448349] sDescription default corrected
  • The Kiln API operates over HTTP; it takes and receives JSON data. HTTP POST is ...
    Last edited by User on 3/13/2013 7:16 AM
  • New in Kiln 2.7.5 Api/{version}/Search (GET) Api/{version}/Search/{resultType} ...
    Last edited by User on 8/29/2012 5:02 PM
  • This API has been removed in Kiln 2.9. See Reviews (API 2.0) for the ...
    Last edited by User on 6/5/2012 10:08 AM
    this is now API 1.0
  • New in Kiln 2.4 Repositories aliases allow you to create a URL that points to a ...
    Last edited by User on 9/23/2011 12:49 PM
  • Most objects in the Kiln API have permissions; certain users may only be only ...
    Last edited by User on 6/9/2011 12:47 PM

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