Implementing interfaces allows a plugin to perform actions upon commit of a Bug, CSV checkin, Wiki, etc, but what if you want to get more granular and only do something when a case is opened, or resolved, or when a wiki page is first created? Plugin interface events allow you to achieve this specificity.
There are five classes in the FogCreek.FogBugz.Plugins.InterfaceEvents namespace. To handle any of the events below, a plugin must do the following. Examples are all for handling events fired when a case (CBug) is commited.
Reference the InterfaceEvents assembly
In Microsoft Visual Studio, right-click References in the Solution Explorer and select Add Reference...
Navigate to your fogbugz directory and choose PluginUtils\bin\FogCreek.Plugins.InterfaceEvents.dll
Add the InterfaceEvents namespace
using FogCreek.Plugins.InterfaceEvents;
In the class, declare an instance of the event API your plugin will use
CPluginBugCommitEvents oPluginBugCommitEvents;
In the plugin class's constructor:
Instantiate the event API the plugin uses
oPluginBugCommitEvents = new CPluginBugCommitEvents();
Add your event-handlers (Hint: in Visual Studio, type "oPluginBugCommitEvents.OnCaseEdited +=" then hit tab. It will fill in the rest. Leave the method name highlighted for the next step)
oPluginBugCommitEvents.OnCaseEdited +=new EventHandler<CPluginBugCommitEvents.BugEventArgs>(oPluginBugCommitEvents_OnCaseEdited);
Instantiate the event API the plugin uses
Define the method specified above (Hint: in Visual Studio, just hit tab if after leaving the method name highlighed from step 5.2 above to start) and dispatch to the InterfaceEvents library object for each method in the interface
void oPluginBugCommitEvents_OnCaseEdited(object sender, CPluginBugCommitEvents.BugEventArgs e) {
/* put the good stuff in here */
Implement the interface(s) corresponding to the events handled (e.g. for OnCaseEdited, the plugin must implement IPluginBugCommit)
You need to call the same event in the oPluginBugCommitEvents that you are handling.
oPluginBugCommitEvents.CaseEdited( bug, bugevent );
See FogBugz Plugin Interfaces for more information on plugin interfaces.
Bug Commit Events
The BugEventArgs passed to the delegate function on each of the following events consists of the CBug and CBugEvent objects.
OnCaseAssigned: Fired when a case is assigned to a FogBugz user. (Example)
Source Control Events
The DiscussTopicEventArgs passed to the delegate function on each of the following events consists of the CCVS object.
OnSourceControlCommit: Fired when files are commited to a configured source control repository. (Example)
Discussion Topic Events
The CVSEventArgs passed to the delegate function on each of the following events consists of the CDiscussTopic object.
Time Interval Events
The TimeIntervalEventArgs passed to the delegate function on each of the following events consists of the CTimeInterval object.
Wiki Page Events
The WikiPageEventArgs passed to the delegate function on each of the following events consists of the CWikiPage object.