"How To" Guides > How To Reference Additional Assemblies
Referencing additional assemblies in a plugin is as simple as clicking Add Reference in Visual Studio and selecting your dll file. Then add the appropriate using statement in your code file. Below is a simple example wherein a plugin makes use of a method defined in an external assembly. When you upload your finished dll to FogBugz, make sure to include your external assembly in the zip file.
This plugin implements the IPluginGridColumn interface to add a column showing the priority of each case as a letter i.e. A = 1, B = 2, etc (see Implementing IPluginGridColumn for another example of this interface). The method which converts a numbered priority to a letter is contained in a separate assembly.
Compile and Install It
Download the source file: Reference_An_External_Assembly_Example.cs
Download the sample external assembly zipped dll file: External_Assembly_Example.zip
Then follow these instructions to create a functioning plugin assembly: Compiling and Installing a FogBugz Plugin
Make sure to include your external assembly in the zip file you upload to FogBugz