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FogBugz Plugin Interfaces (All…»Implementing IPluginFilterDisp…
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Last modified on 12/15/2014 4:41 PM by User.


Implementing IPluginFilterDisplay

FogBugz Plugin Interfaces > Filters > IPluginFilterDisplay


This article will demonstrate a simple FogBugz plugin that implements the IPluginFilterDisplay interface contained in the FogCreek.FogBugz.Plugins.Interfaces class. For a more advanced treatment involving joining a table in the database, see Implementing IPluginGridColumn....


This plugin will add a field to the filter edit page ([FogBugz]/default.asp?pg=pgFilter) accessible by the "Customize..." link in the filter menu.

It will show the value filtered by in the Computer field when listing saved filters ([FogBugz]/default.asp?pg=pgManageFilters) accessible by the "Manage saved filters..." link in the filter menu

Below are sample cases for context.

Compile and Install It On Your Own

Download the source file:   IPluginFilterDisplay_Example.cs

Then follow these instructions to create a functioning plugin assembly: Compiling and Installing a FogBugz Plugin